Display Uniformity - NEC EA244UHD Review

Publish date: 2024-09-24

Display Uniformity

As I mentioned earlier, I think giving up some contrast ratio to get better uniformity is worth it for the NEC EA244UHD. When you are a graphics professional, one of the major targets for NEC here, having what you see in one area of the monitor look the same as another section is essential.

NEC has delivered here with the EA244UHD as it has some of the best uniformity I have seen to date. On the white uniformity test, the largest error is +/- 6.8%. I usually consider 10% to be excellent and 15% to be good, so this is very good. It is a shift that is barely visible to the naked eye, if visible at all. You really don’t need to be concerned about the brightness uniformity.

Black Uniformity isn’t as good due to a bright corner in the lower-left. The top of the screen is actually darker which lets it have a better contrast ratio, but the lower left is the main issue here. That’s the only spot that is really bad so this is still good overall for black uniformity.

The contrast uniformity is very good overall except for the lower-left corner. Take that away and we see the main contrast issues is that it gets better at the top, not worse.

The big story is the color uniformity. Since this test includes the brightness and color gamut, it really measures everything at once. Here there is not a single point with a dE2000 over 2.0. You can see that everything is a dark green indicating almost perfect performance. What you see at the center of the screen, or anywhere else, is going to be the same as another point on the screen. This makes the NEC EA244UHD an ideal display for media work.

With these uniformity results I think the trade-off of contrast for uniformity is worthwhile. It might make the display worse for watching a movie, but it makes it much better for the kind of work that is going to be done on the NEC EA244UHD.
