Ordained psychopath Marjorie Taylor Greene has advice for Christian women not being good role mod

Publish date: 2024-08-05

Do we think Marjorie Taylor Greene has a long checklist of topics that she has no right to speak about but really wants to, with all the nuance of Leatherface with his chainsaw? The latest, it seems, is how to be a good role model for young women, which is possibly one of the last areas many would turn to MTG for advice on, right up there with how to pronounce the word “indictable.”

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Waking up this morning with a desire to turn feminism back 60 years, Taylor Greene took to Twitter to scold her fellow “conservative Christian women” out there who are supposedly “selling themselves short” by “conforming to the world’s sexualization of women” and therefore “not being good role models.” The further Marjorie goes into her prehistoric polemic, the more you have to balk at the unmitigated gall.

“Men will respect you more and think of you much more highly than just a sexual object for gratification,” she advised, presumably tweeting from somewhere in the 1700s. “It’s also good to not tempt your Christian brothers and cause them to stumble,” she added — a truly startling statement that is a mere tiptoe away from outright victim-blaming.

“As conservative Christian women let us always be an example to girls and young women by displaying actions that our faith believes and not conform to the patterns of this fallen world,” Marj continued. “Be the light, don’t fall into the darkness.” A beautiful sentiment there, from someone who has just recently displayed unrepentant transphobia and raging xenophobia. Not to mention worshipping a man who literally owes a woman millions upon millions for being found liable for sexual abuse.

This might be an unpopular opinion and could hurt some feelings.

There are many conservative Christian women, who are influencers or leaders, that are selling themselves short and not being good role models by conforming to the world’s sexualization of women.

If you are…

— Marjorie Taylor Greene 🇺🇸 (@mtgreenee) February 22, 2024

Naturally, the supreme irony of MTG advising others on how to be good role models opened the door to a floodgate of mockery on social media. Not to put stock in tabloid rumors, or to pry into her private life, but Taylor Greene’s discussion of sexuality and traditional Christian values inevitably brought back memories of claims that she once had an affair with a man The Daily Mail described as a “polyamorous tantric sex guru.”

Ahahahahhahahahahahh! YOU TALKING ABOUT BEING A ROLE MODEL?!?!?! pic.twitter.com/s8kw6Bs5zx

— Art Candee 🍿🥤 (@ArtCandee) February 22, 2024

In February 2021, Taylor Greene was accused of having “openly cheated” on her now-ex-husband Perry Greene with two men, CrossFit gym manager Justin Tway and aforementioned guru Craig Ivey. She has denied the veracity of the claims, in the most MTG way possible, labeling them “ridiculous tabloid garbage spread by an avowed Communist.” Whether true or not, the reaction on X to her latest disturbing diatribe indicates that the accusations will continue to follow Marjorie around. Although, as Vanity Fair pointed out at the time, Taylor Greene actually (or openly) having polyamorous affairs with sex gurus would probably be better for the country, and perhaps women everywhere, and the whole wide world, than tweeting out her every threadbare thought.
