VIDEOS PHOTOS Chris Henry car accident thrown from truck as fiance Loleini Tonga was driving

Publish date: 2024-07-13

Chris Henry and Loleini Tonga

UPDATE: Chris Henry has died. Click the link for more information and a video with responses from teammate Chad Johnson (OchoCinco) and Bengals head coach Marvin Lewis. CLICK HERE to listen to the 911 calls by witnesses on the scene, including a woman following Loleini’s truck. Includes a typed transcription of both calls.

Cincinnati Bengals wide receiver Chris Henry has been involved in a serious auto accident after a domestic dispute with his fiance Loleini Tonga near Charlotte, North Carolina. According to there was a domestic dispute at a residence on Peachtree Road and that Tonga attempted to leave the scene in a pickup truck at which point Henry gave chase and got into the back of the truck. According to police, Henry’s injuries were sustained after falling from the back of the truck while Tonga was driving.

UPDATE 3:00 AM 12-17-09 – From Fox Sports: “Cincinnati Bengals wide receiver Chris Henry is on life support after falling out of the back of a pickup truck in North Carolina, a source has told’s Alex Marvez. The source described the situation as ‘dire.'”

CLICK HERE for the official statement issued by the Charlotte-Mecklenburg Police Department Public Affairs Office as well as Henry’s agent.

UPDATE 12:45 AM 12-17-09 – Here is the most accurate information I could find from

Police said a dispute began at a home just before noon and Henry jumped into the bed of the pickup truck as his unidentified fiancee was driving away from the residence.

“The domestic situation continued between the operator and Mr. Henry,” the police said in a statement. “At some point while she was driving, Mr. Henry came out of the back of the vehicle.”

Henry was found on a residential street about a half mile away from the home when police were called to the scene after a medic report that a man was down.

Henry’s agent, Kenneth Rush, did not immediately return phone and e-mail messages. Fey wouldn’t name the woman and said no charges would be filed on Wednesday.

And the most recent video from ESPN:

Here is the curvy section of Oakdale Road where the accident reportedly took place:

A map of Chris Henry's accident location in Charlotte

You can see Peachtree Road at the bottom, which is where Henry and Tonga were before she left in the truck.

Here are a couple videos from Charlotte television stations – the second takes a little while to load so you might have to wait a second.

Loleini had just updated her myspace status last night at 8 PM to read:

Jus put deposIt down 4 weDDing piCs… Paid 4 ouR riNgs… Bout 2 eaT wiT my maN n bay bayz…. Startin 2 geT a headache thinKing bouT dis weddin.. I need A cuP

(Jus put deposIt down 4 wedding pics… Paid 4 our rings… Bout 2 eat wit my man n bay bayz…. Startin 2 get a headache thinking bout dis weddin.. I need a cup)

Another photo of Chris and Loleini:

Chris Henry and Loleini Tonga looking happy

CLICK HERE for a collection of images of Chris and Loleini from

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