Victoria and Cole Find Claire

Publish date: 2024-02-07

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Diane encounters Ashley’s alter, Belle, at Crimson Lights and they debate about whether or not Ms. Martinez’s coffee can be weak. Diane asks how she’s feeling. Belle says she’s fine. Diane’s glad to hear it. Belle scoffs that if she didn’t know her so well, that “butter wouldn’t melt in your mouth” routine might actually work.

Diane insists she’s not pretending to care. Belle tells her she loves to kill ‘em with kindness too. Diane persists with how worried they all are about her — she admitted she didn’t know what was going on with her and then ran from the doctor’s appointment. “Are you afraid of what the doctor might find out?”
Eileen Davidson, Susan Walters

At the motel, Victoria tells Cole she recognizes the keys from a place where Billy once had a storage unit. They have a number on them and she wonders if that’s where Jordan is keeping Claire.
Amelia Heinle, J. Eddie Peck

At the ranch, Michael updates Victor that there’s no sign of Jordan’s body. Victor tells him to stop looking for that woman. She’s gone and is of no use to them anymore. “I am telling you to look for Claire! She may well be fighting for her life as they speak!” Michael says, “Message received.” He’ll put the team on finding Claire. Victor takes a call from Cole, who updates him about the keys. In the background, Victoria calls Billy for the address of his old storage unit. Cole tells Victor, “We’re headed there now.” Victor will send backup. He hangs up and shares the news with Michael, who thinks they’re making a lot of assumptions. He worries it’s a trap or a misdirect. Victor says he’ll find out and walks out of the room.

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In the cellar, Victor approaches Jordan’s cage. She tells him the accommodations stink and the food is worse. Victor asks, “Where’s my granddaughter?” Jordan tells him, “You win.” She prefers a chateau in France and offers the same deal as before — a new life for her and she’ll reveal Claire’s location. Victor tells her there’s no need. They know where Claire is. “We found the keys to the storage room. Rather sloppy on your part.” Jordan sniffs, “I have no idea what you’re talking about.” Victor intones, “You know exactly what I’m talking about.”
Jordan Victor Y&R

Jordan warns he’d better take her deal if he ever wants to see Claire alive again. Victor thinks she should have taken his deal before. Jordan argues, “You still need me.” Victor says he has her and he’s the only one who knows where she is. “This time, I promise you, there is no way out.” Jordan hollers, “You won’t find Claire! You’ll be back begging me to help! Victor!!!” as he walks away.

At the Abbott mansion, Traci meets with Ashley’s psychiatrist friend from Paris. Alam recalls how upset Ashley was after visiting the café and realizing what she remembered and what happened were two different things. Traci explains that things got even more worrisome after she got home. She tells him about her personality shifts from assertive, to child-like, to tequila shots and living it up. She’s having blackouts that she describes as big chunks of time that are missing. “The family is really worried.” Traci tells him her brother thinks she may be experiencing a splintering of her personality. “He’s experienced something similar himself.” The psychiatrist is glad Traci reached out.
Beth Maitland, Christopher Cousins

Traci tells the man she’s hoping he will talk to Ashley and urge her to get treatment. He explains that he can’t treat her himself, but he’ll do his best. Traci is thankful. She just wants her sister back. She explains she knows he’s in town and she seemed fine with it, but her sister’s moods can change on a dime.

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At Crimson Lights, Ashley’s Belle asks Diane why the CEO of Jabot is picking up brownies or her grandson. Diane doesn’t rise to the bait. Jack cares about her, so that makes Ashley her concern as well. Belle scoffs, “Please, Diane. Back the truck up.” She tells her she’s a red-blooded woman who got her heart broken. She doesn’t need help. They live their lives without intervention and she plans to do the same. She gets a call from Traci and rolls her eyes. Traci tells her Alan is there. Belle says she’ll be right there. She tells Diane there’s finally someone in this town she can have fun with. As she leaves, she thanks Diane for her concern if it’s sincere. Diane asks, “Why wouldn’t it be?” Belle says, “Because you’re you. Ta!”
Eileen Davidson

At the storage unit, Victoria tells Cole she’s scared what they might find. He is too, but says they can’t wait any longer on this. They open the unit and call out for Claire as they stare into the darkness. “Claire?! Are you in there? It’s mom and dad!”

Cole tells Victoria they have to go in. “Do you have a flashlight?” Victoria gets it out as they hear a groan. “Mom… I’m over here.” Victoria cries out as she shines the light on her daughter.
Cole Victoria dark Y&R

In the ranch living room, Victor rejoins Michael and tells him he’s certain the storage unit is where Jordan stashed Claire. The team is on the way to help Victoria and Cole. He just hopes they get there in time.

In the storage unit, Cole and Victoria help roll a dead body off of Claire and help her up. Claire sobs and Victoria and Cole hug her. “We’ve got you.” They tell her she’s OK and they’ll take her home.

At the ranch, Victor tries calling Nikki a third time. He complains to Michael that she won’t call back. “It’s not like her.” Next, he takes a call from Victoria saying they found Claire. She’s not up to answering questions and needs food. Victor tells her how happy this makes him and disconnects.

Ashley’s Belle arrives at the Abbott mansion and embraces Alan. Diane comes in after her and Belle sniffs, “Are you following me?” Diane introduces herself and Belle tells Alan she’s taking him out to lunch. They exit. Traci explains to Diane that’s Ashley’s psychiatrist friend. Diane tells Traci that she met one of Ashley’s alters at Crimson Lights — she was kind of fun. Traci chastises her for being flip. “It’s almost like you’re enjoying her being like this.” Diane is outraged. “Do I really need to still prove I’m being sincere?” Traci replies, “Apparently, you do.”
Christopher Cousins, Eileen Davidson

Victoria and Cole usher Claire into the tackhouse and Victor comes in behind them. “Come here.” Claire rushes over to hug him. Victoria explains she hasn’t said much and is shaken up. Claire says she’s ready to talk and wants to get it out. They all sit down and Claire relays how she went to return Harrison’s bunny after the party. Jordan must have followed her. When she went upstairs to read Harrison a story, he went to the bathroom, and Jordan appeared out of nowhere and chloroformed her. The next thing she knew she was being dragged into the storage unit. She fought back and almost got away, but the woman collapsed on top of her. She must have had a heart attack from the struggle. She was trapped under her dead weight. “I really thought I was going to die there too.”

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Ashley’s Belle and Alan sit down at Society. Abby spots them and comes over to say she loves her outfit. Introductions are made and Abby leaves them to it. They chit chat about Paris and he asks how she’s doing since her break up. Belle beams, “I’m like a new woman, can’t you tell?” Abby interrupts again to serve drinks. Belle gushes, “I’ve never met a glass of bubbles I didn’t like.” Abby looks taken aback and walks off again. Alan tells Ashley she’s evading his question. She wonders if he wants to probe her innermost thoughts.
Christopher Cousins, Eileen Davidson, Melissa Ordway

Michael joins Lauren at the Club and downs nearly a whole glass of whiskey. Lauren’s eyes widen. Michael says they found Claire. Lauren’s relieved and guesses Michael is too. Michael hopes they’ll get news from Los Angeles that Sheila really is dead too. He worries that Victor is keeping something from him. “This time I don’t think it’s a little detail. It’s about Jordan. About her death.” Lauren gawps, “You think he’s lying about that?!” It’s a sense he has… he’s known Victor a long time.
Christian Le Blanc, Tracey Bregman

At the tackhouse, Claire tells her family she kept thinking about being back with them, being safe with her room. She got angry… at Jordan. The anger gave her the strength to get the phone out of the woman’s pocket to try and phone Victoria. Her mother says she couldn’t make out what she was saying. Cole tells Claire her mother knew it was her and insisted they go to the motel and search it. Claire realizes Jordan took Harrison too. They assure her the boy is safe. Claire asks how they found her. They tell her about the keys hidden in the doll. Claire asks if she can see Harrison. Victoria doesn’t think Kyle and Summer are going to let him out of their sight anytime soon, but he’s safe. Claire agonizes about the trauma. She wonders where Jordan is. Victor says, “The bitch is dead.”

At Society, Ashley’s Belle complains to Alan that her family has decided there’s something wrong with her. Is he only there on a professional level? Alan admits he’s concerned, but he would never treat a friend. Belle muses, “We are good friends, aren’t we?” Alan wanted to see the place she calls home, but if she doesn’t want him here… She does, but she has to let him in on a tiny secret, “The rumors about my mental breakdown are highly exaggerated.” In her mind, she thinks that he’s the perfect solution for Ashley. “Time for some joie de vivre.”

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At the Club, Lauren tells Michael that Sheila had better not come anywhere near her or she’ll be sorry. She switches gears to Nikki canceling their meeting this morning. She was worried sick. Michael asks where she went. Lauren says she went home. Michael says she wasn’t there. “Victor’s been trying to reach her.” Lauren leaves Nikki a voicemail to call her and then calls Jack to ask him to call her.
Christian Le Blanc, Tracey Bregman

In the tackhouse, Claire says she’s glad Jordan is dead. “Is it true? Am I really finally free of her?” Victor promises she’ll never hurt anyone ever again.

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In the cell, Jordan paces and fumes, “You will not win. You will not win. You will beat me. I will find a way out of this hellhole and I will make you pay, Victor Newman!!”
Jordan Y&R

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Next on The Young and the Restless: Devon and Nate strategize against Billy, Ashley keeps up appearances, and Nikki spirals out of control.

A party to remember! Look over all the photos from Nikki and Victor’s 40th anniversary in the gallery below.
