Tinder Matches and Messages Disappear, Not Showing Up, Loading in App After Crash

Publish date: 2024-07-22

Tinder users experienced an app crash and issues with their messages and matches Tuesday morning that was continuing into the afternoon hours.

First users were having a hard time logging into the app, many reported getting an error 5000 message and denied from logging into the app. Others then said even once they were in the app, their matches and their messages appeared to be missing.

Users were tweeting about the problems they were experiencing in the app and many of them were saying that even though they could finally log back in, their matches were all missing.

@Tinder I finally managed to log back on but now all my matches disappeared. Wanna die, was talking to a real cutie too

— Julia (@1direction739) January 8, 2019

Some users were upset about the matches and messages they were missing out on.


— ariANAL grande ☭ (@saintsleazy) January 8, 2019

Some users said they were still able to swipe through the app and see user profiles but they couldn't message their matches or see their matches either.

@Tinder do you know your app is down/broken?? I can swipe profiles but I can't view messages or my matches at all which is so frustrating. I am not the only one having this issue, a lot of people in the USA and UK are having the same problem - please sort it out ASAP, thanks :)

— katie lewis (@katielewis41) January 8, 2019

One user said their matches started to come back around 12:45 p.m. EST but that wasn't the case for all users.

I GOT MY TINDER MATCHES BACK, aka my self esteem returned

— ashley (@crashley__) January 8, 2019

A page on the Tinder help site says that sometimes when all of a user's matches disappear it can be temporary. "As long as you haven't accidentally deleted your account you should be fine!" says the page on the site. Tinder recommends users try logging out and then back into their accounts to get their matches back, they can do this by selecting "settings" and then "logout."

Users should note though that if only one or two matches disappeared it's most likely because the other user they matched with either deleted their account or unmatched them.

Tinder did not immediately respond to Newsweek's request for comment.

This is a developing story and will be updated when more information becomes available.

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Newsweek is committed to challenging conventional wisdom and finding connections in the search for common ground.

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