Vale do Amanhecer, The Brazilian Religion Based On Alien Reincarnation

Publish date: 2024-02-09

Founded in the 1960s by Brazilian mystic Neiva Chaves Zelaya, Valley of the Dawn, a.k.a. Vale do Amanhecer, claims that its followers are reincarnated aliens.

The entrance to Vale do Amanhecer (Valley of the Dawn, or Sunrise Valley), a religious community on the outskirts of Planaltina, outside the Brazilian capital of Brasilia. CARL DE SOUZA/AFP via Getty Images A Nymph (a female member of the Valley of the Dawn religious community), walks past a shop.CARL DE SOUZA/AFP via Getty Images Devotees look like colorful superheroes when they go out in public. CARL DE SOUZA/AFP via Getty Images A woman prays during the biggest ceremony of the year at the temple complex.CARL DE SOUZA/AFP via Getty Images A rainbow appears above the alley of the Dawn complex. CARL DE SOUZA/AFP via Getty Images The elaborate costumes worn by members during collective rituals are meant to emulate the visual appearance of spirit entities.CARL DE SOUZA/AFP via Getty Images A couple walking home from a ceremony. CARL DE SOUZA/AFP via Getty Images Nymphs carrying their symbolic spears during a ceremonial gathering. CARL DE SOUZA/AFP via Getty Images A prayer leader outside the temple. CARL DE SOUZA/AFP via Getty Images Mainstream society and religious communities in Brazil often shun Valley members, believing they are a cult.CARL DE SOUZA/AFP via Getty Images Tension between Valley members and nearby evangelicals mount as they target members for conversion, as the evangelicals believe Valley members are under the influence of devils.CARL DE SOUZA/AFP via Getty Images The Catholic Church "officially disapproves" of the religion, but Pope John Paul II apparently sent them a letter of blessing.CARL DE SOUZA/AFP via Getty Images An Egyptian-style pyramid at the temple complex.CARL DE SOUZA/AFP via Getty Images The Valley of the Dawn has grown steadily since the founder’s death in 1985, spreading from Brazil to Portugal, the United States, and England.CARL DE SOUZA/AFP via Getty Images A group of Nymphs are blessed with incense during a ceremony. CARL DE SOUZA/AFP via Getty Images Established throughout the late 1950s and early 1960s, Valley of the Dawn gained popularity among poor farmers and migrants who came to help build Brasilia.CARL DE SOUZA/AFP via Getty Images The Ellipse monument inside the complex, which can deliver a powerful burst of energy.CARL DE SOUZA/AFP via Getty Images Attending a ceremony with a medium to receive advice from the spirits. CARL DE SOUZA/AFP via Getty Images The Valley of the Dawn offers a collective lifestyle that its members find gratifying.CARL DE SOUZA/AFP via Getty Images Members pray before an image of Aunt Neiva in a temple. Neiva passed away in 1985, but had put in place a hierarchy of successors.CARL DE SOUZA/AFP via Getty Images Many people here have arrived with psychological or drug problems. Once here, they are accepted and protected from poverty and violence and are taught to re-channel their energy.CARL DE SOUZA/AFP via Getty Images Some say the Valley of the Dawn are a reaction to the deficiencies of modern secular society – with some elaborate costuming added in for fun.CARL DE SOUZA/AFP via Getty Images Since the 1970s, the valley has been profiled by many international media outlets.CARL DE SOUZA/AFP via Getty Images However, the media mainly focuses on the Valley’s imaginative, colorful culture.CARL DE SOUZA/AFP via Getty Images Like other modern religions, the Valley frames its theological claims as being based in science. Members consider themselves spiritual scientists. CARL DE SOUZA/AFP via Getty Images Nymphs pray during their biggest ceremony of the year. CARL DE SOUZA/AFP via Getty Images Members receiving spiritual healing for their medical ailments. CARL DE SOUZA/AFP via Getty Images Two mediums usually work in pairs during the rituals. A reception medium physically incorporates a spirit, and an indoctrinator medium takes on the task of teaching the spirit, and repelling it back into the spiritual realm.CARL DE SOUZA/AFP via Getty Images The Egyptian-style pyramid at their temple complex. CARL DE SOUZA/AFP via Getty Images Devotees take selfies during their big ceremony.CARL DE SOUZA/AFP via Getty Images Justice in the Valley of the Dawn has a progressive alternative to prison systems; justice means reconciliation for past harms – not retribution for them.CARL DE SOUZA/AFP via Getty Images The Valley receives outsiders who want to come in at any time, day or night. CARL DE SOUZA/AFP via Getty Images

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Nymph Praying Inside The Fascinating World Of Valley Of The Dawn, The UFO-Based Religion Founded By A Brazilian Truck Driver View Gallery

Just outside Brazil's capital city of Brasília lies a fortress belonging to a religious group known as the Valley of the Dawn. Followers of Vale do Amanhecer (in their native Portuguese) believe a spaceship from the planet Capela hovers above the Earth here. It acts as a vortex, sucking up all the negative energy that the group's healers banish from humanity. As such, they believe this area to be the spiritual capital of civilization.

Calling themselves Jaguars, the healers use their "cosmic energies" in spirit-healing rituals. Jaguars are the reincarnated descendants of extraterrestrials sent by God. They aren't selective; they will heal anyone that comes to them for help — whether they are a member or not.

This newer religion spans all races and places, and there are 600 temples worldwide and as many as 800,000 members. However, here at the main compound, members are mainly middle, working-class Brazilians.

Founded by a widowed truck-driver-turned-medium in the late 1950s and early '60s, the Valley of the Dawn has been called a cult, though it's evident that members can leave at any time. However, those suspicious of this religion point to its unusual beliefs, namely that God sent extra-terrestrials to Earth 32,000 years ago.

In fact, their modern beliefs (save for the aliens) have a lot in common with many mainstream religions.

The Valley Of The Dawn's Origins

Tia Neiva

YouTubeNeiva Chaves Zelaya, better known as Tia Neiva, the founder of Valley of the Dawn. The religion holds that she was visited by an extraterrestrial spirit that granted her visions and even the blueprint for the Valley of the Dawn compound.

It all began when Neiva Chaves Zelaya. The widower with four kids to support had taken a job as a truck driver hauling construction materials in Brasília in 1957. She began having visions, which later she clarified were visits by extraterrestrial spirits.

After two years of premonitions, Tia Neiva (as she's called today) contacted medium Maria de Oliveira. Together, they established the Spiritist Union White Arrow named after Neiva's spirit guide, an Indian chief named Father White Arrow.

However, in 1964 Neiva and Maria de Oliveira parted ways. Neiva relocated her small follower group to Taguatinga. Here, they established a new community called Social Works of the Spiritist Christian Order — which later became Valley of the Dawn.

Fast-forward to 1969. The Valley community grows to nearly 500 residents; many of whom are abandoned children taken in by Neiva's orphanage named Matilde's Children's Home. The group created a juridical entity, (Lar das Crianças de Matildes) in order to give legal status to the valley's inhabitants.

Supposedly, a spirit named Tiazinho telepathically sent Neiva a blueprint for the entire settlement. Today, the Valley of the Dawn with its doctrine based on Neiva's visions is the largest, most well-known alternative religion in Brazil.

The Mother Temple Of Vale do Amanhecer

Complex Of Valley Of The Dawn

Carl de Souza/AFP via Getty ImagesThe sprawling Valley of the Dawn complex in Brazil, pictured in December 2018.

Today, their permanent settlement is in the rural area of ​​the city of Planaltina. The road into the Valley of the Dawn complex is flat and dusty, but when you get to the gates it looks like you've arrived at a colorful theme park.

There's a lakeside prayer complex with a pyramid, a temple that looks like a spaceship, and ellipse shaped art sculptures. While it may seem haphazard, it's actually designed to carefully reflect the religion's intricate system of beliefs.

The Estrela Candente complex is built in the image of the Star of David and is over 250 feet wide. It's composed of a man-made waterfall, grass huts, and stone staircases.

Over 200 students attend the Valley of the Dawn primary school. They have their own restaurants, bookshop, and even their own auto repair shop. When members go into other towns to shop, eyes are drawn to their lavish garb.

The Beliefs And Rituals Of The Valley Of The Dawn

Valley of the Dawn doctrine states that historically the Jaguars were partially responsible for human achievements such as the Egyptian pyramids. This was before Neiva reunited them as their current reincarnations.

Every May 1 at sunrise, the "Day of the Indoctrinator" ceremony begins. Thousands of Jaguars and members of the Valley of the Dawn gather in silence at the temple to invocate the cosmic forces.

This ceremony, which sees everyone in their most vibrant robes and dress, synchronizes spiritual energies and allows for their continued healing powers.

There's also the thrice daily "Ceremony of the Shooting Star," in which the nymphs (women members) hold their symbolic white lances. Men are not allowed to have lances, as throughout human history, they have not used them responsibly.

Jesus is represented in the doctrine, but is not the star of the show. In fact, the healing aspect seems to be the most important part of Valley of the Dawn for most. People come from all over to have the Jaguars help release them of their worldly woes and problems. The Valley of the Dawn is known as a refuge for lost souls, in a way.

Members focus on saving the world from its excesses, and structure everything on the principles of equality and justice. Valley of the Dawn members reject capitalist values; refusing to work for money. They claim that they will heal you as an offering of unconditional love.

And despite all the outlandish fanfare and extraterrestrial beliefs of Valley of the Dawn, it appears that there's a core of good will that keeps it going strong as the largest alternative religion in Brazil.

As Indiana University-Indianapolis Associate Professor of Religious Studies Kelly Hayes told National Geographic: "A lot of it is about re-narrating your life. Those narratives give lots of people a sense that they have some control over their lives ... that justice and equality are possible through your work."

Next, read about Marshall Applewhite, the cult leader who masterminded the Heaven's Gate mass suicide. Then, find out more about how aliens and religion intersect by reading up on Raelism.
